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Ramroth Jr., William G. Planning for Disaster: How Natural and Manmade Disasters Shape the Built Environment. New York: Kaplan Publishing, 2007. Print.

Swenson, Timothy. The Great Earthquake of 1868. Creative Common: Commons Deed, 2006.

The Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Chicago Architecture Center. 2019.

1871 Chicago Fire: a city in ruins. Chicago Tribune. 2019.

Aftermath of the Great Baltimore Fire. Digital Maryland.

1946 Aleutian Tsunami Images

1946 Aleutians Tsunami. Western States Seismic Policy Council. 2019.

Hurricane Betsy, 1965 Images. Florida Memory. Division of Library and Information Services.

10 years ago: Iconic images from Hurricane Katrina. MSN. 2015.

Horne, Madison. Hurricane Katrina's Devastation in Photos. History. 2018.

1868 Earthquake. Berkeley Seismology Lab.

1865- Hurricane Betsy. Hurricanes: Science and Society. 2015.

Hurricane Katrina - 2005. National Weather Service: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

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